The program is structured into 20 sessions, each lasting 3 hours. Each session will blend theoretical explanations with practical hands-on labs. The following outline highlights the key topics covered:
Session 1: Introduction to Deep Learning and Neural Networks
Recap of Machine Learning fundamentals and motivation for Deep Learning
What is Deep Learning? History, Applications, Advantages, and Disadvantages
Introduction to Neural Networks: Neurons, Layers, Activation Functions
Forward Propagation and Backpropagation (Intuitive Understanding)
Introduction to Deep Learning Frameworks: TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch (Choose one as the primary focus)
Setting up the Development Environment
Hands-on Project: Building a simple neural network from scratch (using NumPy or basic Python)
2. Session 2: Deep Learning Framework Fundamentals (TensorFlow/Keras/PyTorch)
Introduction to Tensors and Operations
Building and Training a Simple Neural Network using the chosen framework
Defining Models: Sequential vs. Functional API
Optimizers: Gradient Descent, Adam, RMSprop
Loss Functions: Categorical Cross-Entropy, Mean Squared Error
Metrics: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-score
Hands-on Project: Implementing a simple classification or regression task using the chosen framework.
3. Session 3: Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
Motivation for CNNs: Image Recognition, Computer Vision
Convolutional Layers: Filters, Feature Maps, Strides, Padding
Pooling Layers: Max Pooling, Average Pooling
Activation Functions: ReLU, Sigmoid, Tanh
CNN Architecture: Convolutional Layers, Pooling Layers, Fully Connected Layers
Hands-on Project: Building a simple CNN to classify images from a small dataset (e.g., CIFAR-10).
4. Session 4: CNN Architectures and Transfer Learning
Popular CNN Architectures: LeNet, AlexNet, VGGNet, ResNet, Inception
Transfer Learning: Using pre-trained models (e.g., ImageNet)
Fine-tuning Pre-trained Models
Data Augmentation Techniques
Hands-on Project: Implementing Transfer Learning using a pre-trained model on a custom image dataset.
5. Session 5: Advanced CNN Techniques
Batch Normalization
Regularization Techniques (L1, L2 Regularization)
Understanding and Mitigating Overfitting
Hands-on Project: Improving the performance of a CNN model by applying advanced techniques like batch normalization and dropout.
6. Session 6: Object Detection with CNNs
Introduction to Object Detection
Object Detection Architectures: R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, YOLO
Bounding Box Regression
Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS)
Hands-on Project: Implementing a simple object detection pipeline using a pre-trained object detection model.
7. Session 7: Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks
Motivation for RNNs: Natural Language Processing, Time Series Analysis
Recurrent Cells: Vanilla RNN, LSTM, GRU
Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT)
Vanishing and Exploding Gradient Problems
Hands-on Project: Building a simple RNN to predict the next character in a sequence.
8. Session 8: Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks
LSTM Architecture: Input Gate, Forget Gate, Output Gate, Cell State
Advantages of LSTMs over Vanilla RNNs
Hands-on Project: Building an LSTM model for sentiment analysis or text classification.
9. Session 9: Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs)
GRU Architecture: Update Gate, Reset Gate
Advantages and Disadvantages of GRUs compared to LSTMs
Hands-on Project: Building a GRU model for time series forecasting.
10. Session 10: Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Encoder-Decoder Architecture
Attention Mechanism (Conceptual Introduction)
Machine Translation
Hands-on Project: Building a sequence-to-sequence model for a simple translation task.
11. Session 11: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Introduction to GANs: Generator and Discriminator Networks
Training GANs
Applications of GANs: Image Generation, Style Transfer
Hands-on Project: Building a simple GAN to generate images.
12. Session 12: Autoencoders
Introduction to Autoencoders: Encoder and Decoder Networks
Types of Autoencoders: Undercomplete Autoencoders, Sparse Autoencoders, Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)
Applications of Autoencoders: Dimensionality Reduction, Anomaly Detection
Hands-on Project: Building an autoencoder for anomaly detection.
13. Session 13: Transformers
Introduction to Transformers: Attention Mechanism in Detail
Multi-Head Attention
Transformer Architecture: Encoder and Decoder
Hands-on Project: Exploring and understanding pre-trained Transformer models (Hugging Face Transformers).
14. Session 14: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)
Introduction to Graph Neural Networks
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs)
Applications of GNNs: Social Network Analysis, Drug Discovery
Hands-on Project: Implementing a simple GNN for node classification.
( Check out the link for the other topics covered in Session 15...Session 20 )